Third Party Press

Hi from new york city

I looked into selling my 1939 bSw Mauser, because i'm tired of paying for the license we need here in the big apple. ($155 every three years) The more I tried to learn about the Mauser, the more I realized how much there is to know. When I realized the rifle is fairly rare I wanted to do research about it, and have already learned enoughabout the Mausewr rifle to make my head spin. Thanks already for all the info, and perhaps I can add something about the proof marks etc, that might help.
1939 bSw, ready, set, go?

I took a bunch of pics and tried to match some I've seen on the site. My daughter is coming by and hopefully will be able to put them on view. I also read that some people have problems posting pics. Anything I should be aware of? Thanks for walking me through, this hope it works out.
Bad but not that bad, even worse for pistols

The $155 fee is for shotguns and rifles only, I'm not sure if there is a max number you can own, but each one has to have a trigger lock and be stored in a safe, lockable case/enclosure. Hand guns in NYC are not for those weary of regulations and high fees. Then there is a carry permit which is even more difficult to obtain. In my opinion, once you've been ok'd for a carry permit, if anyone obtains a list of those allowed to carry , they have a guide to those who carry large amounts of cash, jewels etc. Anonymity in the big apple is a lot better defense than a Glock. Also, if you get caught with an unliscenced pistol, you're gonna need a good lawyer if you don't want to do time. So far there are no regulations about how many fishing rods and reels I can own!

Military Rifle Journal