Third Party Press

For only $1,000,000 at Craig Gottliebs: Hitler's Desk Set

Hes right ,with things I've seen in past about him, other collectors would rip him apart if its fake. Rightfully so.
What you see is what you get.
- A desk set that comes with a veteran story.
You believe the story or you don't.
That is the problem with this type of souvenirs.
It is a desk set, no doubt about that, but was it the set used by Adolf himself in his office?
Difficult to proof imo.
The same can be said of all that cuttlery, plates, glasses,...etc that came of the households of Hitler & Göring.
Some will of course be original GI warsouvenirs but once again the only evidence is the veterans story.

Why wouldn't he want the Russians to buy it? They deserve it and they have some of Hitler's burned skull and pieces of his bridgework to re-unite with the desk set.

Military Rifle Journal