Third Party Press

Kriegsmodell Map Inserts - now have 15 available.


Super Over the Top Moderator -1/2
Staff member
Guys, if any of you have the original Kriegsmodell book and have no map, I now
have reprinted 15 copies on the same paper stock.

This is a forum service, so no mailing charge, just let us if you need one and your address (via PM).
Sorry this is USA only.
Guys, if any of you have the original Kriegsmodell book and have no map, I now
have reprinted 15 copies on the same paper stock.

This is a forum service, so no mailing charge, just let us if you need one and your address (via PM).
Sorry this is USA only.
I would appreciate one. Sending pm.
Remember, PM me your address.
If you already have one, please defer to the guys who dont.
Just checked my copy of “Kriegsmodell” and no map insert (it is signed by both authors though :) ).

I’d love an insert please. PM in bound with my specifics.

Ok guys all out. For those of you who still need one will get a 2nd batch printed up.
I will post up on the forum when ready.

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Bruce I’ll have to check my book when I get home, but if you print another batch, I’ll take one.


Military Rifle Journal