Third Party Press

Sodcasts: Exposing Fakery Videos

But Jo it came with a glassed display case for an extra $5! I was there and his wife told me the same story. This stuff was found in barn in Bavaria.

Still waiting too see if you will see pink labeled toilet paper for sale one day? Only for German women. Maybe even SS marked toilet paper? You just never know what you will find in old barns. :thumbsup:
But Jo it came with a glassed display case for an extra $5!
LOL, did you notice the Jul candlestick clay pot in the brief 2018 snippet on Waaaaaalters table?
I bet that`s another "I ♥ Pizza" one.
For those of you that missed watching some of WAFs finest experts, authors and go-to men, making complete goats bollocks of themselves a few years ago.
(If you haven`t seen this thread, don`t hold your coffee anywhere near your keyboard :laugh: )
That's hilarious. You can see the denial and frantic scrambling for alternative "theories" and accusations. It is why DougB knew that in exposing the Shampain Ruin he would be faced with hysterics, ridicule from the waftarded, censorship, etc., if he did not completely nail it down solid. This same type of waftardation is what almost foisted that asinine "XRFacts, provenance through science" voodoo on the collecting community. Preposterous.
Good stuff MJ. :happy0180:
CHEERS :thumbsup:

It works the other way around too, when collectors just come up with a "Oh that`s an accepted variant" - with zero proof.
The more you look into these things, the more it stands out just how rediculous this Third Reich artifacts hobby is. Collectors are more than prepared to shell out good cash, off the back of what some anonymous turd claims.

:facepalm: The whole state of affairs is just sad.
Yes, put a glossy hologramm sticker on that and take it to the bank. All is lost in my opinion. The hobby is ruined beyond help.
The only people who can get it back on track, are the next generation.
From what I have seen of this "next generation" I have little hope. I would even wager that in a few years we`ll have them calling out to ban the word NAZI, as it probably offends someone, somewhere. And if it did not, it "might" and might is a good enough reason to ban it anyway. Just in case.
The young guys in the K98k end of things, the 20s-30s, are a promising crew, probably more so than we were. The Nazi relics trade has always been dodgy. Most of the stuff is easy to fake. Back in the day, the "old wigs" controlled the information. Now they manipulate it and create it on the internets. IMHO, that is why it is so important to have transparent, objective, uncensored forums where claims must be supported, and can be challenged. Bullshite here gets called, no matter who you are. At certain Nazi forums, uh, not so much. This is why your videos are so enjoyed by the guys here, and certain Turd Reich trinket mongers, not so much. ;) Keep up the good work.
Micro Jo

thanks for posting that video of Walter, he is the guy who was hawking the toilet paper and Christmas ornaments at the FT Myers, Florida collectors show on March 24th, 2018 per my post on fake Christmas

had you not shined the light on that cockroach, I would have not known. interesting to see him operate up close ( no I do not find cockroaches interesting)

Thanks again
Amun Dynastic only you could think of nickname like that Jo! Awesome sodcast.
LOL, well Dynastic was pre-Pharaohs, so earlier than Amun-Seti and Amun-Ra. I probably did Egyptian history an injustice by naming the worse stick-man eagle Dynastic, as what we have from the Dynastic period, is far superior to anything to the Egytians ever made, up until today even.
Might have to rename him in a future vid, Amun-Spastic. Or Amun-Stickman :facepalm: Amun-Stick, has a nice ring to it.
Part I up and running, part II coming end of next week.
All hail the new SS Ehrenring King :moon: Ha ha ha ha ha.
Well, nobody wants to come out and say exactly how they are made, so, mighty micro Jo to the rescue - in cooperation with another collector.
What about the SS sniper ring Jo lol?
Ask Wittmann`s drag queen buddy about those, if he aint got seven crates of them under his table at the MAX, he will have shortly.
The story, you can hear it already; "At Christmas, Hitler, who loved Christmas by the way, gave his SS Männer special Christmas crackers. Inside each one was a tree decoration with a deformed head of Hitler, as well as at least one sniper ring." Don`t believe me? Whaaaaaaat, when you do a Google search, ten pages of them come up, and there was an exhibition at the Ulm museam about them.
Unless I personally dug one myself in Russia, I'd never own one of those rings. The forgery rate on stuff like that is almost as high as the forgery rates on Holocaust items.

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