Third Party Press

Sodcasts: Exposing Fakery Videos

Ha ha hah a, cheers, well I can`t think of the right English words sometimes. And if I did it in Swiss German nobody would understand a word.
The ring is very loose, and so when that is picked up and buttoned onto a uniform, the first part to get any contact action, is that little messing loop ring. Even if you were sitting still, it would still swing a bit... so it stands to reason that if that ring was silver coated (which it was) then surely there must be lots of rubbing action on that ring. It also rubs on the ribbon, as it is not stiff but slides underneath it and changes places.
So that`s what I wanted to show with that, just a common logic place to first look for any honest patina on the micro level. (If the item is correctly made and worn)

I never had any real miniatures, and don`t care for awards, but was simply amazed at the period German quality under the microscope. I did hope to find (reasonable) quality even with an item that is not even 1 cm!, but the quality in die creation on both Ritterkreuz and EK are simply amazing. I guess you have to understand the whole process of going from design to master die-reducing that onto small steel working dies etc (and know what the small tools looked like). to really appreciate it. Everyday business for a quality Third Reich producer for sure, especially with makers like Deumer and Steinhauer..... but still, I was amazed!
Enjoy. That`s the last video of this year. 25 videos, most of them 25-45 minutes long, quite happy with my achievements this year :moon:
For those that enjoy them, have fun, and those that don`t, simply don`t watch!
Thanks to this forum for allowing me the space to host the videos.

Can`t end the year off with a nice original, that Sudetenland badge video was funny but this one`s better. Nothing like a wig peeling video to see us into the new year!
The cast vs. die cut / die pressed (which all badges such as the IAB, etc. are) is very helpful in the overall analysis of these. Many people speak about he difference but do not know what it really looks like. This is of great help. :thumbsup:
Cheers, next video will also be intersting. And, I have just proven that the SS civil stickpins marked GAHR, were not made by GAHR, but made by Deschler, who was the sole producer of SS pins. At least this is documented fact from 1941 onwards. So the SS pins will be like the Golden party badges, early versions made by Gahr, possibly, like early versions of the small civil Golden party badge was made by Fuess, then Descher took over!
Getting 2019 off to a bang, GAHR pins were not made by Gahr :facepalm: Micro Jo throwing a spanner into the "long accepted" world of small pins and badges, as usual!
It`s my job, and I love it!
..Many people speak about he difference but do not know what it really looks like. This is of great help. :thumbsup:

Agreed. The microscopic analysis is hard to argue. Super simple to see and understand what you're talking about. Just hard to fake anything on that level of examination.
Agreed. The microscopic analysis is hard to argue. Super simple to see and understand what you're talking about. Just hard to fake anything on that level of examination.

Fake that's real! That's how that stuff was made didn't you see that certificate of authenticity I gave you! I back my items with a lifetime guarantee except when you call me wanting your money back!

Military Rifle Journal