Third Party Press

German WW2 Boots


Active member

It's my understanding that sourcing your own riding boots was allowed for officers, and I've noticed that this type of boot pull tab seems to be common in older/worn out boots sold from European countries on ebay as "German officer boots".

Does anyone know if boots with these colored/designed boot pulls are historically accurate?


Most of the boots I see advertised as chinese/modern copies tend to have black or leather pull tabs, so I'm not sure if these striped tabs are a different type of reproduction or something common on originals.
It's kinda hard to find solid information on the subject.
At one time I 'had' my Grandfathers genuine boots. Sadly they're long gone to who knows where. I was probably 8 at the time.
At one time I 'had' my Grandfathers genuine boots. Sadly they're long gone to who knows where. I was probably 8 at the time.

Were they riding boots (I've read that officers were allowed to provide their own riding boots if they chose to do so) or the hobnailed jackboots?
Riding boots. He was Cavalry since the Great War. :facepalm: Just under knee height. Beautiful leather as I remember.

Military Rifle Journal