Third Party Press

German Marked M95


just curious if its legit. I stumbled on this one at The Powderhorn in Burlington Vt in case anyones interested. They are asking 600, its billboarded and has ep’d serial number on bolt (bulgarian), which found odd IF its german also. anyway i grabbed a couple pix of the german marks




thx for the education!
I am likely wrong, but the stamp on the butt isn't a WaA, but more like a firing proof...if it went through a German depot and was marked, I would expect a depot mark or WaA there...

Lets see what more knowledgeable guys think...

ETA I didn't notice the very small one on the wood, an WaA63, which is earlier MO, but also easily available as a fake...I find it hard to believe a second or third line weapon went through MO...

I am going to go with fake stamps, lets see if I am correct...
Already a bulgarian refurbishment note cyrilic letter behind serial, wrong side stamped serial of butt. b.r.Andy

Military Rifle Journal