Third Party Press

WWII markings and codes related to G41 and G/K 43 rifles and accessories


Well-known member
First off I must say and will say time and again, if you like the G41 or G43 and K43 rifles and
want to learn more you must buy "Hitler's Garands" by Darrin Weaver...the best reference
(it is what I use)!!! All of this information can be found in his book and in much more detail...
I listed here just the basics (and the lists may not be complete) for quick reference for the new
and exeprienced collector alike...if you are new, this thread will provide you with some
explanation or meaning behind all those markings on your rifle or accessories

RIFLES (receivers)

"ac" code for Walther Zella-Mehlis (commonly referred to as "Walther")
"duv" code for Berliner-Lubecker Maschinenfabrik (commonly referred to as "Berlin Lubecker" or "BLM")
"qve" code for Berliner-Lubecker Maschinenfabrik (after a change from the previous code "duv" was ordered for 1945)
"bcd" Gustloff-Werke II (made at Buchenwald concentration camp...commonly referred to as "Gustloff")

RIFLES (barrels, codes only listed, for subcontractors)



"aye" Olympia Buromaschinenwerke
"acw" Gold-u Silberscheideanstalt Oberstein
"avx" Sudmetall AG
"awj" The Yale and Town Manufacturing Company
"gcb" Grohman u Sohn Ad Metallwarenfabrik
"rqs" Gold-u Silberscheideanstalt Oberstein (after a code change was ordered)
"k" on floorplates, may be a subcontractor code for Luck and Wagner


"Ac10" Subcontractor code for Carl Ullrich AG, found on small metal parts early, commonly found on stocks and G/K43 handguards
"Durofol" inside a diamond logo, handguards made of resin impregnated with wood chips, Durofol KG
"1" "2" "3" "4" found inside durofol handguards on G/K43 rifles

**Durofol handguards were likely only factory mated with Berliner Lubecker rifles, though I have seen one or two Walthers that supposedly came from Europe to America with Durofol handguards, they were probably wartime switches or replacements...most are post war switches

"PaG" Preswerk AG, G41 resin handguards


"bla" EG Leuner GmbH
"Otto Koberstein"
"fuq" Cottbusser Lederwarenwerk Curt Vogel KG
"cny" C Pose

WAFFENAMTS (number codes or "inspection/acceptance proofs")

"359" Walther
"214" Berliiner Lubecker Maschinenfabrik
"749" Gustloff II
"WaA98" acw and rqs magazines
"WaA204" avx magazines
"WaAB79" awj magazines
"WaAB43" aye magazines
"WaAB92" gcb magazines
"Wa134" Manufacture Nationale d' Armes St. Etienne France, subcontracted receivers, found on Walther and Gustloff rifles
"WaAA44" Merz Werke, on stamped metal action covers
"WaAAC10" Carl Ulrich AG
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Military Rifle Journal