Third Party Press


From all of the mods to our members worldwide, a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!
Will all the chaos in the world now, it's good to get together with family and friends, break bread (and turkey),
and just be at peace for a day!

Enjoy all!
To everyone...wishin' you all the best for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Even in these weird times, compared to how people lived in the past, living like kings. Room too cold? Turn the heat on. Need an answer to any questions? Google.. want to talk to someone across the world instantly? No problem. Sick? Almost any medicine at hand. Want to travel from the mountains to the beach? Jump in your car. Not even kings lived so well.

With all the **** going on it's easy to forget just how lucky we are. Many things to be thankful for, including smoked turkey.
From central Idaho, happy thanksgiving. Gonna be in Phoenix this winter. Any gun shows on the “must not miss” list?
Happy Thanksgiving from Waco TX! Thankful for this group of like minded collectors who are preserving our hobby for future generations.

Military Rifle Journal