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    • DogDoc
      DogDoc reacted to Stephan98k's post in the thread What Is It ??? with Like Like.
      In recent years there have been many discussions about the so-called "Commercial" K98k rifles and assumptions who these rifles were made...
    • DogDoc
      DogDoc reacted to DaveDavis's post in the thread What Is It ??? with Like Like.
      You have to wonder at the Germans allowing these rifles to be built, at a time when weapons of every type, were so badly needed at the...
    • DogDoc
      DogDoc replied to the thread What Is It ???.
      I was wondering the same thing. A commercial at that point in the war. How many (or few) were made? Very cool, Dave!!
    • DogDoc
      DogDoc reacted to Pisgah's post in the thread What Is It ??? with Like Like.
      I am leaning commercial connection. I think it is cool just the way it is. If you sell it to the wrong person it will acquire some...
    • DogDoc
      DogDoc reacted to Jhr98k's post in the thread Police marked PPK with Like Like.
      Hello, found this while changing safes, thought I would share. Early high polish police marked PPK wth extra magazine, holster and two...
    • DogDoc
      DogDoc replied to the thread Holster ID.
      So it looks correct then? Because of the stitching on the front flap and the way the belt straps are attached, I had just about talked...
    • DogDoc
      I was wondering if someone could tell me what I have here. I bought it for a CYQ P38 but I’m wondering if it’s even German. The...
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Military Rifle Journal