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    • Kaiser715
      I have a 08 rework that is + stamped and is also a 1917 I will get some pictures when I can anything in particular you want to see?
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      Yep just wanted to get all the opinions I could and literally while on the home he said it just sold haha. Fortunately he also had a Byf...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to Tjv's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      We have all been there. Walked away to do some quick research and by the time you get back it’s gone. Kicked myself a lot of times...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      After looking at the pics looks like you were right the poorly restrawed parts threw me off I won’t be getting it as I was on the phone...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to RyanE's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      I don't know if you have looked at a lot DDR reworks, but their blueing is often heavily buffed.
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to RyanE's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      No, it was an SS rework, circa 1938. Also, please don't refinish this. The buff and reblue were probably done by the DDR during rework...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      I’ll post some more pictures but this isn’t an East German reblue the whole gun has been buffed and someone also poorly restrawed the...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      The way I look at it I’ll never pay the full price a DH normally goes for and given that the 1920 stamp is pretty clearly stamped OVER...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to Gringo's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      Thats what would keep me away from it. An interesting, historical piece nonetheless.
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      Thanks I posted it on Stills forum seems to be the consensus there as well. I’m going back and forth picking it up gonna see if I can...
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to RyanE's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      Looks real. Reworked by the DDR in 1953 (looks like July maybe).
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      For some reason these didn’t get posted with the original post. Barrel appears to be Crown N marked not sure the significance of the...
      • IMG_0654.jpeg
      • IMG_0653.jpeg
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 replied to the thread Deaths head?.
      Thanks I will certainly wait for @RyanE or @mrfarb thoughts
    • Kaiser715
      Kaiser715 reacted to Gringo's post in the thread Deaths head? with Like Like.
      There was a 1918/1920 DH pistol sold by Legacy some while back. It also appeared that the DH was stamped prior to the 1918/1920 on that...
    • Kaiser715
      Let me start off with while I have almost no knowledge on the DH p08s besides the fact I know they are hotly contested. I found this gun...
      • IMG_0650.jpeg
      • IMG_0652.jpeg
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