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    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Wanna put things to test? 307 351 3929.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Maybe it's about the collection that each of us have over who paid what and why. Who really cares; I am here show my wears and maybe...
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Trust me you are not the only one around here that grew up in a Military famliy bro. I never asked for your life story bud.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 reacted to Jdt's post in the thread Patr. S.m.K.H. with Like Like.
      Nice man :) ya definitely got way more fun experiences on the range than I'll ever have. Been told throughout my life I'm pretty blunt...
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Awsome! Good for you man.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Your words, misconception. Maybe its in the way you come off.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Hahaha!!!!! We should have a coffee dog!
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      Yeah good for you....I am happy for you. 14 years in the Army; 2000 to 2014. I definitely spent time on a range or two.
    • MikeM13
      Kreigsmodell book I'll pay.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 reacted to Jdt's post in the thread Patr. S.m.K.H. with Like Like.
      Not my intention at all to "be better" or show off I'm just really happy there's a place I can go and ramble on guilt free with...
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      I have a few different types as well buddy, yellow, black tip this newer purchase, however I am not into getting into who paid what or...
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 reacted to Jdt's post in the thread Patr. S.m.K.H. with Like Like.
      We can show off ammo in this thread? Cool! :) I've got a little bit to show, handful of different bullet core types, tracer etc.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 replied to the thread Patr. S.m.K.H..
      What the website? Let me make a purchase for less.
    • MikeM13
      MikeM13 reacted to Peter S's post in the thread Patr. S.m.K.H. with Like Like.
      2 days ago there was an unbelievable deal on Gunboards. Lasted about 30minutes.
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Military Rifle Journal