Senior Member
Came across one of these absolutely unique guns and thought I should get it ... it is the successor to the 39M. The most distinctive difference of the 43M is the folding stock compared to the 39M (small side note: the only 39M I've handled so far was very interesting in that it has head a Deaths Head stamp in the pistol grip area - and where it came from it is beyond any doubt of this being authentic. So seems to have originated from the SS). For what I know they are also using different magazines since various other details differ as well. The folding magazine mechanism is something rare if not unique among submachine guns. It makes it much handier - the magazine is really long and I assume tough to handle if you are lying on the ground. The whole gun however is extremely large, compared to current standards of submachine guns - it has the size of a MP44, to give an idea. Note it even has provision for a bayonet! Plus it also has the rather unique caliber 9x25mm Mauser export. It however seemed to have been quite popular, also among German troops in WWII. Maybe also worth mentioning, it has a quite large three stage selector atop the gun that allows to switch between safe, semi and full auto.
Anyway, attached are a few pictures for future reference (note serial following the A prefix was digitally removed - the serial was stamped both on the receiver as well as on the stock). Looking forward to comments!
Anyway, attached are a few pictures for future reference (note serial following the A prefix was digitally removed - the serial was stamped both on the receiver as well as on the stock). Looking forward to comments!