When the 98b imports came in from Albania during the 1990's, it doubled the known 98b in this country, but more than that, they often came in thoroughly mismatched but with correct "98b" parts. One can suppose that when the Albanian's received them from the Soviets they were in an original state, not mismatched, but during service they developed this mix of parts and theoretically the right parts could be in this country, but only on different rifles from that batch.
Going from that assumption, knowing many collectors own these rifles, I will start and maintain a database on them. I will start with the one rifle I currently own, but if you have an Albanian imported 98b and are willing to help others match up their rifle or are seeking to find your rifles stock, post it and I will add it to this thread (doing so does not obligate you to any exchange):
Bolt assembly - 6720 Runner #15 #22 (see post for description)
Bolt - 1085 a Flynaked #8
Bolt body only - 8755 a Runner #6
Bolt assembly - 2979 d...complete matching Rockisle1903 #13
Bolt assembly - 7853 e MrFarb #4
Bolt assembly - 5336 f Runner #9 #22
Stock and buttplate, 4599 Runner-Frank Post #22
Stock - ser. 770 b 1927 dated Vintagescope #11
Front band: 6473 Flynaked #8
upper band, e/6, SN 1912 Frank-Runner #20
Upper band: sn, 9557, number cancelled by overstamping with sideways zeros, new number 9307. Post #22
Rear band: e81 serial 7861 Flynaked #12
Rear sight ramp: 2133 Flynaked #8
ebox complete numbered 39 and complete trigger numbered 39 Rockisle1903 #13
Looking for serial: 9556 Flynaked #8
Looking for serial: any Simson parts serial number 890 or 90 Dugger93 #17
I will trade anything for equivalent parts numbered 1517 or 2189. Frank-Runner #22
Going from that assumption, knowing many collectors own these rifles, I will start and maintain a database on them. I will start with the one rifle I currently own, but if you have an Albanian imported 98b and are willing to help others match up their rifle or are seeking to find your rifles stock, post it and I will add it to this thread (doing so does not obligate you to any exchange):
Bolt assembly - 6720 Runner #15 #22 (see post for description)
Bolt - 1085 a Flynaked #8
Bolt body only - 8755 a Runner #6
Bolt assembly - 2979 d...complete matching Rockisle1903 #13
Bolt assembly - 7853 e MrFarb #4
Bolt assembly - 5336 f Runner #9 #22
Stock and buttplate, 4599 Runner-Frank Post #22
Stock - ser. 770 b 1927 dated Vintagescope #11
Front band: 6473 Flynaked #8
upper band, e/6, SN 1912 Frank-Runner #20
Upper band: sn, 9557, number cancelled by overstamping with sideways zeros, new number 9307. Post #22
Rear band: e81 serial 7861 Flynaked #12
Rear sight ramp: 2133 Flynaked #8
ebox complete numbered 39 and complete trigger numbered 39 Rockisle1903 #13
Looking for serial: 9556 Flynaked #8
Looking for serial: any Simson parts serial number 890 or 90 Dugger93 #17
I will trade anything for equivalent parts numbered 1517 or 2189. Frank-Runner #22
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