EBAY / AMAZON etc. charge buyers sales tax --- ebay sellers have no say in the matter. Worse yet is ebay charges selling commission on the price of the item, plus the shipping PLUS the sales tax. EBAY sellers like myself have to pay ebay selling commission (for books it's 15%) on monies we don't get (the shipping/the U.S.P.O. gets and the sales tax each state gets. So for example --- if I sell a book on ebay for $100 and the shipping is $15 and your sales tax for your state is lets's say 8% --- I pay 15% of $115.00 plus $9.20 ($115.00 x .08) --- or $124.20 x .15 --- $18.63. So on a $100.00 I sell on ebay I "net" $81.37 ($100.00 less $18.63). A $100.00 normally costs me $65 landed so on a $100.00 sale I make around $15 profit!!! That's it!!! Everyone wants a piece of the action.
Total rip off IMHO but it's their game and it you want to play - you have to play by their rules.
Amazon (Jeff Bozos) is worse --- he charges private Amazon sellers 20% commission!!!!
Many folks are afraid to "buy direct" as EBAY / AMAZON, etc. are well known and have all sorts of BUYER PROTECTIONS.
But my "savy" gun book buyers - I have been at this for 40 years - long before Amazon and EBAY even existed --- they buy from me direct.
I'm a lifetime NRA member (since 1962) and "gun person". They are anti-gun. For them is just about $$$. For me it's a life long passion. I have sold almost 250,000 gun books since I started in 1983. I'm 82 now and my time left is limited. Not many guys in the gun book selling business anymore - most have passed on.
MP - Owner - Shooting Gallery Books