In my quest to waste as much money as possible buying guns collecting genres dislike, I made a deal with a local dealer on this Luger. I got a good feeling for it in hand, and it came with a Luftwaffe inspected holster.
I'm a bit confused, as Luger collectors keep referring to these guns as "Krieghoff" related. Am I wrong in that the E/2 inspection is a Luftwaffe depot stamp?? Or is this a Luftwaffe acceptance? To me it's a depot stamp (the holster marking). I've found several other Luft 9 marked Lugers, one that confirms to me that the barrel replacement is actually related to the Luft rework, I suspect a mid-30's rework for the growing Luftwaffe myself. Has pitting, but it was 30 years old before it went to the Luftwaffe, and started out as a commercial 1908 meant for private purchase. Some serials are from the commercial build, some are from rework 1, and others from what I suspect may be rework 2, as all strawed parts have been blued. Anyway, pics:
Also, another very similar pistol:
I'm a bit confused, as Luger collectors keep referring to these guns as "Krieghoff" related. Am I wrong in that the E/2 inspection is a Luftwaffe depot stamp?? Or is this a Luftwaffe acceptance? To me it's a depot stamp (the holster marking). I've found several other Luft 9 marked Lugers, one that confirms to me that the barrel replacement is actually related to the Luft rework, I suspect a mid-30's rework for the growing Luftwaffe myself. Has pitting, but it was 30 years old before it went to the Luftwaffe, and started out as a commercial 1908 meant for private purchase. Some serials are from the commercial build, some are from rework 1, and others from what I suspect may be rework 2, as all strawed parts have been blued. Anyway, pics:
Also, another very similar pistol:
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