Third Party Press

A Very Informative Article On A Important Aspect Of Determining Originality Of Collectibles And The Black Light

Nothing is 100% yes or no answer. It is a very good tool however and should be used in correlation with other things while judging originality. It is very helpful in seeing ghosts of former insignias, like shadows of breast eagles in Heer tunics converted to ss.
There was a kerfuffle about this exact topic recently on one of the FB collector groups. the long and short of it is, blacklight is worthless. The only application I could see for it is if all the items from a certain manufacturer didn't glow under blacklight, finding an item from the same maker that DID glow would possibly raise a red flag, but even then material variation is the norm, not the exception.
Nothing is 100% yes or no answer. It is a very good tool however and should be used in correlation with other things while judging originality. It is very helpful in seeing ghosts of former insignias, like shadows of breast eagles in Heer tunics converted to ss.
Yes / but to wave a black light around, and approve, or condemn, without further examination or a back ground knowledge of materials / dyes in use, at the time in question, is frankly stupid .....
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Any period cloth item that was once washed with modern detergents will glow. In general most period items don’t glow and many fakes that use modern technologies and materials do glow. It is all up to confidence level of a potential buyer, that’s why before spending multiple thousands on an item you ask yourself how would you explain this or that to any future potential buyer. When the time comes to sell it doesn’t matter what you believe, but what buyer believes.
Anymore cloth, helmets, medals are a minefield. The fakes keep getting better, and it bodes ill for the hobby. I visited the infantry museum at Fort Moore [ old Fort Benning ] recently, and well over half of the uniforms on display were reproductions. Some good, some bad .....

EXAMPLE of a really good copy

The sleeve eagle is very very close......

Military Rifle Journal