Third Party Press

AC 44 G43 Russian Capture East German Rework

Nice rifle. What year were these imported ? What was the price they were selling for ? Seen the Russian K98 reworks but never seen those K43 advertised, they had to be in small numbers like the SVT 40 ??
I don’t know beans about these, but I find the “X” above the model/serial # to be extraordinary. The surface is concave, yet when you look closely, the mark wasn’t made with a flat die stamp, the die was made convex to match. any chance that’s meant to indicate a roman numeral 10? (for a repair/overhaul depot?) not questioning anything as to origins & who did what, just pointing out that it isn’t an ordinary rc ‘x’, it has serifs, not made w/4strokes of a cold chisel, crudely.
They had an "X" and a big foot "X" stamp. The variation in stamps has been discussed previously on this forum. There are multiple variations in these VoPo rifles, especially as to how they were marked.

Military Rifle Journal