Third Party Press

Anouncing my Own Effort at a "Trainer Book"


Well-known member
Encouraged by significant others and offered their support I have committed to attempt a reference dedicated to the Deutsches Sportmodell.

I am underway gathering up additional material, developing the outline, consolidating the considerable notes, photographs and references amassed over 3 plus decades both here and in Europe.

I have not abandoned my efforts to help others who are well into a reference that will cover all Third Reich Period Training Rifles both .22 and 4mm. The scope of the material that effort is attempting to cover is much the reason for the delay. It will be worth waiting for.

Current events in my life make this goal look realistic. I pray they remain that way long enough to get this into a useable reference.

Further, my writing abilities and other talents being rather limited, have the best help I could hope for in the form of my own brother who is fluent in the German Language and possesses a degree in literature. He too is setting aside time this year for this purpose and is also passionate about the subject material. He will have most of the work in it if we succeed. He has had considerable experience as well, as a co-author on a book on non-gun collectables.

With the technology available today, once further adapted to that, and much of the material already at hand, I believe we can have a draft ready for editing within a year. That is our goal. We are both retired and plan to spend most our time not dedicated to family matters on this beginning now.

And So .. we are off "on a wing and a prayer"

Also thanks to all those who have offered their support and encouragement!
very cool...i know next to nothing about these and would be excited to learn. i had almost no interest in them before reading the article you posted, but that was enough to spark my interest. i could never understand why someone would want to bring home a .22 over a full size rifle, so the article was very interesting to me.
Great !

If you need HQ photo's from a very late DSM 34 from Geco (h7240) or from a more common but in good condition Mauser DSM from 1939 (47153), don't hezitate, ask !
great news

I for one am thrilled to see this happening. For those who dont know..Mauser22 aka Jim Whitley was a major contributor to John speeds mauser small bores in the dsm and kkw sections. Also there has been more light shed on this subject since that book was written. John has dug up more info and more examples have been found. I have some examples I'd like to share. He is also a major factor in Bob Simpsons book "if it ever gets finished" and Im sure this is one reason why he has decided to write his own book. I for one think a book focused on just the dsm34 is a great idea !!!! A seperate "german training rifle" book is also needed. There are a ton of variations of german trainers and that onlone will fill a book. This will all be a reality soon..
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