Third Party Press

BNZ single rune G98 conversion?


Senior Member
Spotted at a local pawn shop. I've seen G98 to 98k conversions, and I've seen single runes, but never seen them together. Are these legit? Fantasy? Possible grind marks under the BNZ? Waffenapt'ed barrel? Obviously this one has some glaring issues, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless. They want $765.

Receiver markings look legit. Unfortunately someone ruined this one with an added receiver serial number and fake bolt numbers
I see the 850 price tag.... I wouldn't bother if it was dirt cheap maybe how they could sell a horribly sporterized mauser for 850 is beyond me ????? :facepalm:
I see the 850 price tag.... I wouldn't bother if it was dirt cheap maybe how they could sell a horribly sporterized mauser for 850 is beyond me ????? :facepalm:

Pawnshop owner to me: “Ya see these here Nazi guns sell for 10 million bucks a pop on that there gun broker on the google, he he he, I’m givin y’all a good ol’ deal at 850, he he he”

Me to owner: “Go f*** yourself”.
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I see the 850 price tag.... I wouldn't bother if it was dirt cheap maybe how they could sell a horribly sporterized mauser for 850 is beyond me ????? :facepalm:

Because it's an SS rifle, why I bet this rifle shot at Jews in front of Heinrich Himmler at Christmas dinner in 1943, it's a priceless heirloom and they are insane for letting it go for so cheap, you better hurry up and buy before they change their mind and send it to rock island with all the other priceless finds. :facepalm::laugh:

Anything "natzi" related, most small gun shops take the "when it doubt, price high" approach.

Agreed, so many people out there trying to make an item look better when it's already valuable and end up ruining it in the process. Bet the store gave the person $150-200 for it.
Pitch the bolt and it’s a workable gun. Ultimately someone added a serial number to the receiver. It may have been some panic about the ATF while screwing with the gun.
Pitch the bolt and it’s a workable gun. Ultimately someone added a serial number to the receiver. It may have been some panic about the ATF while screwing with the gun.

I agree, It seems it deserves a better fate than to face eternity as Bubba's fancy pig huntin rifle.
It begs to be rescued, but the price is absurd.:facepalm::faint:
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I've once had a bnz single rune handstamp myself, but based on a bcd action. I also know of a S/243 coded receiver which was bnz handstamped and got a single rune. And I think in book by Mike and Steve you'll find another one of these. They are rare, but that thing is quite poor condition now..
I've once had a bnz single rune handstamp myself, but based on a bcd action. I also know of a S/243 coded receiver which was bnz handstamped and got a single rune. And I think in book by Mike and Steve you'll find another one of these. They are rare, but that thing is quite poor condition now..
I know what you're saying. I've seen two of these built on 98b receivers and Bubba got to both of them before I did and turned them into highly polished pig rifles. I just don't know what that guys problem is. Even to this day I have to believe that he's still out there scouring every pawn shop and estate sale seeking to ruin every rare relic of the Reich that he can find!:facepalm::faint:
I've once had a bnz single rune handstamp myself, but based on a bcd action. I also know of a S/243 coded receiver which was bnz handstamped and got a single rune. And I think in book by Mike and Steve you'll find another one of these. They are rare, but that thing is quite poor condition now..

A real shame, I got so excited when I saw the receiver marking, mostly because I have bought other rifles from this shop CHEAP, I thought I'd have a sweet project on my hands. I get a 10% discount at this store so I would be out the door at 765 plus tax. Too rich for this poor thing unfortunately.
A real shame, I got so excited when I saw the receiver marking, mostly because I have bought other rifles from this shop CHEAP, I thought I'd have a sweet project on my hands. I get a 10% discount at this store so I would be out the door at 765 plus tax. Too rich for this poor thing unfortunately.

I'd probably make an offer of the most I would pay and tell him to call me when it doesn't sell.
Of all the rifles to ruin trying to boost the price, bubba finds THIS one. It would have sold at a decent price on the trader here. What a shame, I mean it still is what it is, but the fakery is just a huge detraction for collectors.

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