Third Party Press

Gew98, Gew98m, Kar98b montage

Yours is a Polish K98 that was sold to Spain for their Civil war.
For the "republican" Spanish forces (actually a mix of factions from the left, including real liberals and separatist elements - essentially the worst elements supported by Liberals and separatist factions); there are a great many moving parts to the SCW but basically the government (parliament) was highjacked by the left, in the national socialist of Germany style (locking out the SPD from parliament) and highjacking the republic (the Spanish republic was as illegal as Hitler's seizure- both blocked opposition parties)

It is a fascinating study and one you need exception objectivity on, most "recent" books (including Antony Beevor's, which is probably as objective as modernity allows - you need to review period material and publications) are neglectful of facts that exonerate the nationalist elements (which were as diverse ideologically as the republican side)

*** as in all civil wars there are few good guys; funny though how "Republican" Spain squandered Spains wealth (including precious artifacts from museums and archives to buy arms through "rightest" regimes in Poland, Yugoslavia and Greece, - I read that Herman Goring actually supplied arms for hard currency-gold to the smuggling efforts... the evil of such men are boundless and compare well to the corruption of the Obamas-Bidens syndicates)

Military Rifle Journal