Hello! I wanted to make a post both showing off, and asking about the numbering on my kar98s bolt. I picked up this 1915 Erfurt kar98a for probably more than it's worth ($1125) but I was infatuated with it's cool history and really don't regret it at all. The gun is a ww1 survivor which went into Weimar service and issued to the police and a police unit marking was placed on the takedown disk. The gun is completely matching, including the stock which is not cut with finger grooves which checks out with the build date of 1915. But it did get the takedown disk later on. The gun did go through a Weimar rework and received a bolt hold open follower modification, But the stock was not replaced which is really neat and is also matching to the gun and is likely the same stock the gun was built with and served with all its life. The handguard, though cracked is also matching. The stock also has an H carved into the stock, for whatever reason, and the 1920 Weimar property stamp. What's super neat is the very faded but visible star of David very lightly carved into the stock, I want to believe this was done during it's time in Germany. If so, would be a really cool little piece that is special for fairly obvious reasons for what was happening in Germany at the time. The sling is reproduction and the bayonet is a super rusty cutdown sawback which is pretty neat to display with the rifle. The only part of this rifle that doesn't match though is the bolt. Which is still all German parts as evident by the Prussian eagle stamp on the bolt body. However, the unusual thing is that the bolt body was renumbered in an unconventional manner that doesn't align with what I'd expect the Germans to have done. I wanted to reach out with some photos of it and see if anyone has seen this pattern of numbering on German mausers and why it may have been done.
Thanks all
Also if someone can help withe police unit markings that would be hugely appreciated.
Thanks all
Also if someone can help withe police unit markings that would be hugely appreciated.
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