Third Party Press

Need a good laugh? Epay brings it.

Maybe his uncle fought in the Pacific Theater and maybe the Germans had sent some troops (that had not surrendered) to fight alongside the Japanese and maybe his uncle just happened to be there on that island on that day and just maybe someone is full of BS.
My grandfather did not get sent home after Germany surrendered. He had some really nice German stuff, luger, bayo with blue web frog, bunch of medals etc. Instead he was shipped right to Japan by way of the Philippines and would have been in Japan in that time frame. He traded the luger for an officers samurai sword. I got all this stuff, looking at it in his basement rec room from the time I was a little kid got me into collecting. Anyway, not defending this seller or his story but I could see some soldier lugging it with him when he left the ETO and some desk jockey just making an assumption and writing jap rifle and bayonet on the take home paperwork.
Ah. I could see that. Idiot me does know some soldiers did not go home but rather to the Pacific theater. It doesn't validate it per se.

Military Rifle Journal